Friday 6 April 2012

Unit one, plan, do and review your challenge.

4th April

Oh my! Where did March go? I have trained pretty much every week and progress has been made! With the show tomorrow I have a LOT to fill you in on!

Things have been slightly up and down, and I have times where I can barely get on the slack line from seated , let alone do any tricks! However I have other times when I get really ambitious (admitedly a little too ambitious) and try things like shoulder stands on it! I didn't manage to get this trick, however, my knee drops, turns, and jump to dismount have all  improved significantly.

Humphrey made a video of me just doing a little training on it.. and here is the link to it.

Since this video I have also attempted splits and 'y' stand on the slack line. These have both been rather interesting to say the least.. and if I can get them into my routine tomorrow then I definitely will, however there may not be enough time since the track I am using is very short.

I thought a lot about what sort of character I would like to play in my routine and decided upon a 'fosse' style as opposed to a nymph like character. Here is a link to what I mean if you are unsure. I did however decide that I wanted my music to be slightly 'darker' than this.

Here are photo's of both of my costumes:

I decided I wanted quite dark music and listened to a lot of evanesence, but couldn't quite find the right thing. I then decided upon 'monstro' by meatloaf.

My set took a lot of thinking up, and Helena helped out with most of it. We decided in the end upon a mirror, a chair, a black screen and a suitcase, and we scattered things like shoes, desses, basques, stockings, bags and masks around. I then painted the title of my piece on my mirror 'life is a balancing act'.

I have decided that after the show I will put a post on our club forum and ask people for feedback on my piece. It will also be videoed, so hopefully I can ask some slightly more professional people to watch it and give me their thoughts and opinions too. 

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