Tuesday 7 February 2012

Unit 1, Arts challenge, Plan, do and review your challenge.

Thursday 2nd February

On Thursday I felt extremely comfortable with my walking skills on the slack line and decided to attempt a seated start. I lowered the slack line and tried my hardest but I appeared just to be 'stepping' onto the slack line as opposed to begining from seated. I need to look again at the video and see where the momentum comes from to get you to standing as I felt as though no matter how much I tried it was impossible to just stand up with my feet so far away from me, however I also couldn't get my feet any closer to me... not for want of trying I might add! Below are some photo's of me attempting the start.

As well as attempting the seated start I also tried a knee drop.... which I do have one photo of:
I really enjoyed practicing these two tricks and I think that within a few weeks I will be very competent at them. During this session I also assisted some friends on the slack line and tried to teach them some little tips as to how to make things easier... such as spotting, squeezing knees together and pulling chest up to the ceiling... all of these things I have learnt from gymnastics... so my strengths are proving to be very useful! Rhona, who can be seen in the background of these photos obseved my teaching and has very kindly offered to write a little bit about what she saw. I shall post it on here when I recieve it. After doing this I have thought a little bit about unit 2 and perhaps doing a small session where I teach a group slack- line.

My total number of hours spent on my challenge is now 4.

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