Thursday 16 February 2012

Unit one, plan, do and review your challenge.

16th February

Well! What a productive night tonight has been! I hadn't thought it would be at the start; as I trained fairly hard at gymnastics last night. I felt achey, and tired... all of it worth it though as I mastered some transferrable skills such as back walkovers, heck-rolls and handsprings.

 Helena suggested to me that perhaps I tell a little story with my piece which I had previously thought about.. she also said that this might make choreography easier.. especially if the story is me 'discovering and exploring' the slack line. So tonight my friends.. I did just that! ;) and wow did I have fun... and truly discover some very interesting things! Yes, I messed up.. lots, but hey, how else do we learn?!?! I think the best way for me to explain what I did tonight is just to show you.. so here are some video's, taken by Rhona and Brian! :)

I have now spent a total of 7 hours on my challenge.

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