Tuesday 31 January 2012

Unit 1, Arts Challenge, Plan, do and review your challenge.

31st January 2012

Today I have been researching slack line walking and some of the tricks that are possible on them. My first stop was wikipedia! I chose this site because it is written by the people for the people, I also like that it can be edited by others so the information you get from it is usually fairly up to date and very useful. Here is the Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slack_line  I was very interested to find out about the six different styles of slack lining and hope to use tricklining as my base type of slack lining and then also incorporate elements of freestyle slack lining and perhaps some poses from the yoga slacklining.

After looking at wikipedia and having thought a little bit about my routine I have decided I would like to  have a go at some of the following tricks:
  • Turns; this is mostly because with support I am already capable of them.. so hopefully I will be able to master them independently in a short space of time. 
  • Bounce walking; a slackline is like a very thin trampoline... and for my audience to apprieciate this I would like to master this skill. 
  • Sit start; as of yet I have struggled to find an elegant way of starting my piece... I feel that this sitting start will add an extra level of class to my performance. However wikipedia lists this as an intermediate skill... so I am fully aware that this may take some time and a lot of effort to master. 
  • Swinging; although my slack line will be fairly taught, unlike a freestyle slack line, I still feel that I can experiment with swinging from it and using it in different ways other than just the generic walking along it.
I also looked to youtube for inspiration and even tutorials for some of the tricks I expressed and interest in mastering. I couldn't however find any overly choreographed routines like the one I hope to create.. meaning what I do will be even more truly original!

Turns and backwards walking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_51p0LT6o

Sitting start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh_nJXiQOYs

I couldn't find any videos of 'bounce walking' alone however I understand what I need to do in order to be able to master this skill. The second video below contains some bounce walking though, I just don't want mine to be as extreme! I did however find some useful and extremely inspirational videos.. here are the links:



My research took me around an hour... so my total amount of hours spent on my challenge so far is two and a half.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Unit 1, Arts challenge, Plan, do and review your challenge.

19th January

Now I'm onto the DO part of my challenge!I have totted up an hour and a half of practice, I should have trained last Thurday as well, but unfortunately I've been ill... I was a little disapointed with the first session of my training as I seem to remember being able to competently walk along the slack line... however it took me until the end of the night to get back up to the same standard I left off at. Oh well.. all is not lost, at least I got there in the end... with many attempts and several failures! I have some video's here kindly taken by two good friends, Fran and Humphrey! :D

                                                            Fixing a twisted slack line.........
                                                                        First attempt!
                                            Top Tip!!! Don't spot something that moves!
                                                             Lots of 'intentional' turns!
                                             There we have it! back to being comfortable again! :D

Monday 16 January 2012

Unit 1, Arts challenge, plan do and review your challenge.

More photo's of old slack rope practice...
This was the first time I managed to walk the entire way across the slack rope! :)

Unit 1 arts practice and pathways!

Review arts events

I attended zippo's circus in Leicester on Wednesday 19th October at 7.30pm my review is below:

There were lots of different acts and I'm not sure I can remember all of them, but I'll try my best to tell you what I thought about the ones I can remember Smile

There was a clown, obviously I suppose, what with it being a circus and all! He was very good for young children, he did some slapstick and just general clowning around. I found that after a while the repetition of what he was doing became annoying, although the younger children didn't seem to grow tired of it..... A good example of this is when he used a whistle to 'talk' with, it worked excellently the first time, and then I felt it all just became a bit old. I also felt that (as Bill said) there could have been more context to the slapstick work as opposed to just throwing pies at each other for the sake of it, or picking up a plank of wood and spinning around until it inevitably hit the other clown in the head.

My favourite act was the contortionists, their flexibility never ceased to amaze me, I found it particularly interesting due to the gymnastics I do. The best, most amazing part of their act by far in my opinion was when one of the contortionists balanced her entire body weight on a stick...... which was in her mouth! the two of them worked really well together and hugely complemented each other, one of them appeared to be a base and the other the top as they climbed and balanced upon one another. I feel as though their costumes were also the best, they were orange catsuits with slits where a black material showed through, it reminded me of tigers, precise, slick and wonderful creatures.

There was also a man on bungee's, when he first came out I had high hopes, he looked very professional with white trousers on and complementary make-up. His make-up and costume put me in mind of swan lake and he looked very elegant, however, when he began his act I felt very disappointed as none of his movements seemed to flow very well as he was persistently being pulled about by the bungee's. It also appeared that he didn't quite have enough strength to pull the bungee's down in such a way that it looked effortless, he seemed to struggle on occasion. I also felt that cartwheels and front and back flips just weren't quite advanced enough if there was no element of 'show' I felt as though he didn't engage much with the audience, which is necessary on a stage whereby the audience is all around you.

Another act I very much enjoyed was the African one. It put me in a really good mood as there was lots of smiling and eye-contact from the performers. The music was very upbeat and I couldn't help but clap my hands and tap my feet. the act was very acrobatic with all of the men climbing up on top of one another to form huge towers and structures of people. I felt that the two women in the act framed it very nicely, and although they didn't do much the movement they had in their hips and stomachs was astounding and their smiling contagious. I know that Bill and Denise felt that they could have been doing much more to contribute to the act, but personally I really liked it and felt that without them to soften the act it would have been quite a harsh one with just lots of men jumping around.

There were also two girls who did some silk work, I enjoyed it very much, however cannot say that it was the best silk work I have ever seen. Both girls wore pink catsuits, however the ribbons were red and blue and obviously the girl on the red silk blended in a little, it took the dramatic effect away from her because the other girl stood out so much with the contrasting colours. Both were wonderfully flexible though and really worked hard to please the audience, stopping and smiling after every move. I did however feel that they could have added more of a dance element to their act, as it all seemed very: tie myself in, do the trick, smile, move on to the next trick. I felt there needed to be more linking moves, but it did inspire me to take up some aerial silks classes.

All in all the circus was really good and very enjoyable, there was an excellent atmosphere and I'm glad that I went, I know I haven't mentioned all of the acts here, but these are the ones that had the most impact on me.


I shared my review on 'the forum' this is where everybody from 101 PAG chats and shares information http://101pag.co.uk/forum/thread-535-post-5112.html#pid5112 this is a link to the thread which I shared it on. I would definitely recommend this circus performance to everyone! It was fun and a great night out with some really inspirational acts..... definitely something there for everyone! :D
Here is a link to the zippo's website: http://www.zipposcircus.co.uk/home.html
me at zippo's holding the programme.

Find out about artists and arts organisations.

After watching zippo's circus I was even more inspired to join them, I e - mailed them to find out more about what I could do to better my chances of getting through the auditions when I turned 18. Here are the e-mails:

(I sent)
To whom it may concern,
       I am writing to you with regards to the academy of circus arts. I am currently only 16 years of age however I am very interested in joining your training programme. I have wanted to join a circus all my life and only recently have I realised what sort of opportunities are available. I fully understand that I am too young at  the moment to join you however I would be very grateful for any information you could send me regarding what I could do to heighten my chances of gaining a place. I already train with a proffessional circus company called Bill Brookman Productions ltd, I am also a very keen gymnast and I do gymnastics for 5 and a half hours a week. I perform on almost every other weekend with Bill Brookman productions but just wish I could do more. If you liaise with any other companies or projects similar to yours which are happy to take on under 18's, or if indeed yourselves would give me the opportunity to audition I would be overjoyed to hear from you. As I said earlier though I do undersatnd and accept if this isn't possible, however I would be grateful for anything you could advise me to do.
                                                                        Kind regards
                                                                                                               Syan Gallagher.

(they sent)

Hi Syan

Thank you for your enquiry to the Academy of Circus Arts. We’re pleased to hear of your interest in circus training, but as you know, we’re unable to accept students below the age of 18, mainly because our training is residential for the whole course.

It sounds as though you have made an excellent start in gaining performing experience. If you want to progress with your training, I recommend looking at the Circus Development Agency website at www.circusarts.org.uk, where there’s a useful directory of circus schools and training opportunities that may help you.

I suggest looking carefully at all the opportunities available before deciding which would be best for you. Many centres and circus schools have Facebook pages, and this might be a good way to hear about what’s going on, and perhaps contact people and discuss the options while you decide.

If you would like to complete and return our application form, I can then keep in touch with you and let you know when we’re in your area – it would be great if you are able to visit us and meet our students to help you chose.

I hope this is useful, and  you are always welcome to email if I can help any further,

Kind regards

Nick Barltrop
Tel: 07774 60 80 90. International: 00 44 77 74 60 80 90.
Mail: Circus Headquarters, Enborne, Newbury RG20 0LD. England.
Email:acircusarts@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.academycircusarts.co.uk
Circus Arts Academy Ltd trading as the Academy of Circus Arts.
Registered Charity No. 1097436
I sent my application form in and hope to hear from them sometime in the near future. I also explored the circusarts link that they sent me. I looked at what other circus based clubs were around in the east midlands.  http://www.circusarts.org.uk/i-want-to/learn-circus-skills/youth-circus-workshop-database.php#east-midlands I might go along to the club in milton keynes as a one off, however, due to other commitments such as college, gymnastics and work this could be difficult, and I may have to settle with just e-mailing them, or phoning them to find out about what opportunities they offer which are different to the ones I already have at Bill Brookman productions.

I would like to join a circus when I am older and zippo's looks like it may be a promising one, with the academy of circus arts being my next step. http://www.zipposcircus.co.uk/aca/aca.htm of course I will continue to learn and perform with Bill brookman productions and I will also carry on with my gymnastics to keep my flexibility and strength up to a high standard.

I have of course spoken to Zippo's circus about future careers and I frequently work alongside Bill Brookman productions and see some of the behind the scenes work which goes into and pulls a performance together. So I feel that I have a good knowledge and understanding of how artists and arts organisations work.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Unit 1, arts challenge, Plan, do and review your challenge!

So here's the plan! :D

Describe your arts challenge
My arts challenge involves me bettering my skills on the slackrope, which is something I have wanted to do for some time now;  perhaps even learning a trick to do on it. I also will be choreographing  a routine which I can perform to others. I would like to draw upon my art and creativity skills and produce a small backdrop for my routine. I will also attempt to incorporate a little bit of gymnastics into my slackrope piece, gymnastics is something I very much enjoy, so I don't think I should find this too difficult. I have already done a little slackrope... here are some pictures:
With Brian helping me :)
Getting a feel for it
Woahh... wobbly, but on my own all the same!

This isn't however what I had always intended to do.... In the begining I would have liked to have drawn upon my aerialist skills and learnt and performed a piece on aerialist silks.. I even went along to a few lessons. However, the lessons were in Nottingham and the cost of lessons and train fair were becoming a little pricey, and the possibilty of me performing was getting slimmer and slimmer as I couldn't have performed where I trained and we didn't have the facilities closer to home. The biggest thing in stopping me from pursuing this challenge however was the fact that I have a very weak ankle and always have done. The basis for most moves is called a foot lock, however this put awful amounts of pressure on my ankle, meaning that this challenge became unfeasable for me to undertake. I did have some photo's taken of me though and here they are below:
My first climbs :)
straddle climb :)
splits in silks!
Having trouble with my ankle :(

Explain why you set this challenge
I set this challenge as I feel that it will draw upon my strengths and also allow me to develop some of my weaker skills.( I also know that this one won't injure me ;p) The strengths that I feel completing this challenge will draw upon are as follows:
  1. Drama. I feel that completing this challenge will allow me to futher develop my drama skills which I haven't visited since GCSE. I feel that it will do this as I want there to be a theme to my routine that I wish to portray to the audience. 
  2. Dancing. This challenge will definitely draw upon my skills to dance as i would like much of the routine to be on the floor with perhaps the slackrope as a special element.
  3. Performance. I will have to ensure that throughout the routine I engage the audience by staying in character, even when things go wrong! Which of course is the key to a good performer. 
  4. Gymnastics. I hope to be able to incorporate some basic gymnastics skills into my routine, such as splits and handstands, I will work on these skills whilst I am training with my gymnastics club.
  5. Physical strength. I know that this performance and the work up to it is going to be extremely physically demanding, especially if I choose to learn a difficult trick, or incorporate something which requires a lot of strength and determination. 
  6. Balance. Need I say anything? I must ensure that I am able to stay on the slackrope without fail.
  7. Art - drawing/painting. I hope to make a little bit of set for my performance, which will definitely draw upon these skills. 
  8. Creativity. I will need to be extremely creative in order to incorporate dance and gymnastics into what I hope will be more of a slackrope based piece. 
  9. Good communicator. I will need to use my communication skills well in order to be able to get access to the things I need and to be able to work with with others, including those that I need help from.
I also feel that undertaking this challenge will allow me to work upon those skills that I want to develop, including bettering my skills on slackrope, becoming more flexible and working on my choreography and art skills.

I hope to be able to use this challenge to become excellent in the areas of slackrope and dance. In the future, if I apply to a circus school I will be able to use these skills that I have gained in the auditions... or perhaps even in performance!

Create a timetable
I think that this challenge will take me 16 sessions of training  because each session is 1.5 hours long, this will bring me up to 24 hours worth of practice, by which point I should be ready to perform! I hope however that if I work some weekends on things such as the backdrop I will be able to perform the routine sooner, I will record any work that I do for this challenge, even if it is outside of the hours I have written down. This of course should enable me to complete the challenge earlier than expected. I cannot however plan for which weekends I will work on this challenge as other commitments such as college work could take priority. So in theory I will be working towards my challenge every Thursday for 1.5 hours from the 19th of January 2012 to 3rd of May 2012. Of course I hope to work on the occasional weekend which may enable me to finish just before May.

Check your progress.

One target I would like to meet is spending five hours on the 'open/focus day' which the club may be holding (Wednesday 11th April) on consolidating my ideas for the piece and perhaps even using that time to practice my routine then use that evening as the evening of my performance and complete the challenge a little early.

Another target I would like to meet is that by  the fifth week I would like to know the theme fo rmy performance and have some costume and music ideas in mind. (16th Feb)

By the 7th week, (8th March) I would like to be comfident performing the trick I will have learnt for the slackrope.

I will need lots of different people to help me acheive my challenge. I will need Brian, to help me to learn the tricks on the slackrope. I will need Sally and Helena, to help mw with the choreography of the piece and costume choices. I will need  Christine (a volunteer at the 101 performing arts group), to help me with making the set and the backdrop, I will need my close friends for support and motivation and to take photo's and video's for me.

I will need to have access to the mission hut so that I can practice and I will also need to have use of Brian's slackrope and fixtures, a costume, facepaint, and art materials.

Record your progress.
I hope to record my progress through a variety of different media's, such as photo's, video's ( I got a video camera for Christams! Yayy!!) and written reports  on this blog of how I feel my session went.

I hope to ask my friends and those people who are helping me to review my work, this could be in a written or audio format. Afetr the performance I also hope to collect feedback from the audience by handing out questionairres asking questions such as: what did you like and why? What do you think could be improved next time? and more.

Monday 9 January 2012

Unit 1, Arts challenge. Set the challenge!

So, in order to help me decide what challenge I would like to do I have made two lists... one on my strengths and one on the skills I would like to develop! :)

  • Hula hooping
  • Drama
  • Dancing
  • Stilt - walking
  • Poi
  • Whip
  • Performing
  • Gymnastics
  • Physical strength
  • Aerial skills
  • Balance
  • Art - drawing/painting
  • Creativity
  • Good communicator
Skills that I want to develop 
  • Slack - rope
  • Singing
  • Choreography
  • Aerial
  • Flexibility
  • Art - skills
After looking at my strengths and the skills I would like to develop I have decided that for my arts challenge I want to create a slack - rope piece to perform....  I have decided this as it works with my strengths, which are performance, balance, slack - rope, dancing, and creativity. I would also like to perhaps create a few small bits of set.. which will assist me with developing my art skills. I feel that my choreography skills will greatly increase due to this project also. I spoke to my arts award advisor to see what she thought about it, here is the conversation below:
 Syan Gallagher

(me) Do you think the slackrope idea would be ok?
Janet Grant
(janet) yes I'll talk to the others about it on wed night when we have a committee meeitng
Syan Gallagher
(me) ok, what sort of things do you need to discuss?
Janet Grant
(janet) whether someone could come in and do slackrope training,,
Syan Gallagher
(me) ahhh... I see, that would be good, although if that isn't possible i could perhaps just work alone for a while? I could perhaps work some dance on the floor into it all?
Janet Grant
(janet) mm that sounds creative
Syan Gallagher
(me) I know Helena and sally *( friends from 101 performing arts group that have an MA in dance and a degree in circus ) are good at that kind of thing... maybe I could ask them for help?
Janet Grant
(janet) yes another good idea..
Syan Gallagher
(me) that's good
could I add this conversation in to my blog?
Janet Grant
(janet) YES! 
For my arts challenge I may need to have a couple of lessons, however I have learnt lots already from Brian, (a volunteer at the 101 performaing arts group I attend) and have been able to transfer some of my gymnastics skills from the beam, so since I am focusing more on the dance and performance elements  I could possibly just get help from some friends who are excellent at dance and choreography. I will need access to a slack - rope, the one I use at the moment belongs to Brian, so I will need to discuss with him when I will be able to use it before I make my plan. I will be working towards my challenge at the mission hut, where I usually train.
* information added after the conversation for the benifit of the moderator.


My name is Syan Gallagher and I am 17 years old, I am studying for my A-levels at college and thus have to fit this silver arts award around my college workload.
me with my bronze arts award... hopefully soon I'll be able to get a photo holding my silver arts award!

Every Thursday I attend a performing arts group where I have learnt many of my skills, http://billbrookman.co.uk/ The head of this company is Bill Brookman, and Sally and Helena are ex club members who now work for the company. I have learnt lots from them, including dance,stilt walking, poi, hula hoop tricks, unicycling and much more. Brian is a volunteer for the company and has also helped me in many of my skills, including clog dance, slack rope and diablo. Here are some photo's of me learning and precticing some of the skills I mentioned:

me unicycling

me and sally dancing

learning to dance with Sally

me hula hooping
me doing poi on stilts
dancing aorund the exploding maypole.

This is the blog I will use to document my silver arts award. It will contain both units one and two, I will try to include photos, videos, reviews and links for anything I do.

Unit one (arts practice) will contain posts on:
  • Arts challenge
  • Arts event
  • Arts research
Unit two (Arts leadership) will contain pages on :
  • Preparation of arts leadership
  • Delivery of arts leadership
  • Review of arts leadership.